Train The Ultimate Physio Online Program

$1,997.00 + GST



The Train the Ultimate Physio Course is my 6-module online leadership and personal development program!

It's the one and only place where you can learn heaps about who you truly are as a person, what makes your Physios tick, what they want our of their career, and how you can help them to fill their books, mentor them, and have them love their work and stay with you for years.

I do not share this type of info anywhere else on the internet, even on my Ultimate Physio facebook group - this is truly the inner sanctum.

If you want to find out exactly how to improve your leadership and management skills as a clinic owner,  Then this is for you.

So, what is this course all about?

Basically I have developed this course based on everything I have learned about leadership and team management over the past 10+ years as a clinic owner. I developed this material originally as my internal training strategy, and as time passed I found myself talking to more of you about how to get the most out of your people and become the best leader you can be in your clinic.

Leadership to me means one thing – turning other people into leaders. This is true leadership. The people crying out for this intervention are very close to us – our staff (or team as I now call them, because this is what they are).

This course is about turning into a leader and helping your team to learn and grow, to create the best clinic environment you possibly can

So, what does the Train the Ultimate Physio Course involve?

The course is run over 12 weeks and contains 6 modules, each of which will be completed in a 2 week window. In saying this you can complete the course at your own pace - you can start at any time after you purchase it, and you will have access to it forever! It is delivered via an online membership portal with links to all of the workshops and activities you and your team will do and it guides you through the process step by step. You will have support from me on a private closed facebook group which is only for course participants and alumni.

Before completing the course we will establish a baseline level of happiness of your team in your clinic, using a proven method of assessing employee engagement. The results we determine here will be one method of how we determine the success of the programme. We will also be taking some baseline measures based on your current situation as a clinic owner – hours worked, what % of your clinic revenue you are bringing in, and what you hope to achieve from the programme.

Module 1 - focuses on you as the leader of your clinic.

It involves workshops and activities to learn more about yourself – who you are, what makes you tick, the big picture of your clinic, and why you are here on this earth! We go very deep, there is psychometric testing involved, and sometimes this can be a confronting place to go, but believe me when I went there I learned so much about myself that it has given me the purpose and drive to have spent no less than 1000 hours on Ultimate Physio this year and just keep pursuing the leadership dream despite challenges along the way, and the birth of my first child.

Module 2 - focuses on the above elements, but relating to your team.

How much do you really know about your people? Are you a mentor to them, or just a boss? What do they think and believe about you, your intentions, and your relationships with them? Why do they sometimes not do the things you ask them and the things you know they need to do? How do you breach the chasm between clinic owner and employee in terms of self knowledge, motivation and performance? These workshops and tests are best done as a whole team.

Module 3 - focuses on what you should be measuring, both now and into the future.

As clinic owners we love objective measures, and I don’t want to sell you the dream – I want you to achieve concrete results you know how to measure, in a simple and frequent way, so you can determine in which areas your clinic is improving, and for you to also be able to take the “pulse” of your clinic quickly and be able to know who is doing well, who isn’t, and what strings you need to pull.

Module 4 - is about what you want.

I will introduce you to a proven method of how to get what you want via goal setting and planning process I have developed in conjunction with my business coach over a 5 year period. This process has undergone multiple iterations, and is one of the products we have developed together I am most proud of. This process has helped me go from a clinic owner who did 134 appointments per week, and who was bringing in more than 50% of total clinic revenue 5 years ago, to now doing 20 hours of clinical work maximum per week, having time for my family and to mentor my team, while my clinic profit increasing over that time by approximately 60%. Do you find that you have varying levels of knowledge and motivation based around what you actually want, and so much of the time you feel you are going backwards due to having to fight fires in your clinic. Get clarity around what you really want, and how to get it without being swayed by the daily challenges of being a clinic owner.

Module 5 - is the most powerful module when it comes to retaining key people in your team.

This is all about helping your people to find out what they want in their lives. Warning – if you have people in your clinic who you know in your heart shouldn’t be there, this can be the time where they leave. This is a risk you take by helping them look into their lives and what they want. But is this really a bad thing? The outcome of this module is you build a closer work relationship with your best people. The bonus outcomes here is that your people find out what each other wants, and their bonds between each other closen as well.

The final part, Module 6 - is all about how you will keep yourself accountable long term

with a process based around making sure everything you have learned actually gets implemented over time, without you just doing the work and then getting lazy or taking your eye off the ball, as I have learned this is a very long term strategy – 1 to 2 years after implementing these changes your team environment and productivity have completely changed, to the point where I have found myself as the clinic owner feeling like I have more time in my life than ever, and witnessing the levels of self motivation amongst my people given me such a great feeling when I walk into the clinic each day.

Now, who is most suitable for the programme?

I want to stress that not all clinic owners are suitable for the programme. Like you in your clinics I only want to work with people I know I can help. The pilot programme has helped me determine who is suitable for this programme, and who is not. This is what I will go through now, starting with who is not suitable.

You are not suited to this programme if you:

Don’t have any team members
Are in the very early stage of your clinic ownership journey (ie under 6 months)
Are not willing to get involved in marketing activities
If you “know everything” and are not interested in learning stuff which may challenge or stretch your thinking
If you have a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset
If you see your people as just cogs in a wheel to get the maximum amount out of
If you don’t want to do the programme as you think everything I have written above is a load of BS!
If you have scarcity mentality and are afraid of working with a fellow clinic owner
If you don’t like me and you think I am full of shit (and I don’t blame you if you think like this – this is your opinion and I believe you are entitled to it)
If you constantly blame others for the results you are getting in your life
If you are not self motivated enough to do the work on your own, with my guidance

Who is suitable for this programme?

Mature clinic owners
You have been a private practice physio more than 3 years
You have more than 3 staff working for you (this includes all team members, not just physios)
You have an interest in, and have explored learning how to do marketing
You are working more hours than you would like to
You aspire to having more time to either grow your clinic, build multiple clinics, or work on your passion project (like Ultimate Physio is to me)
You are a deep thinker, and want more out of your life than you are currently getting
You want to make a big impact during your time on this earth
You really value the people who work with you and you want to help them to live great lives
You are a high level thinker and you love the business of physiotherapy
You may have had key people leave and you need to work out how to “stem the bleeding”
You like the way I think and you want to learn how to be the best leader you can be
You are on the edge of burnout from treating too many patients and you need to step back from the brink
You have worked with other business coaches and have gained some knowledge, but want to learn a completely different method

What are the learning outcomes?

The outcomes of the programme will be the following – improved performance of your staff, shown by improved adherence to systems, increased levels of self motivation, improved behavioural standards, with the ultimate team outcomes being an increase in patient visit average and revenue per team member. The second outcome is an improvement in your average employee engagement, which results in an improved work environment, improved clinic profitability.

What are the benefits of the programme?

Some of you have worked with different business coaches. Your general sentiments that I have read tell me that the same stuff does not work for all of you. I warn you this stuff will not work for all of you. What it will be however for you is new, and different. These are not marketing strategies, but interestingly I have learned that these approaches work in a complimentary way to all the marketing work you have done. Think of the marketing course you have done as tipping water into a bucket, and the bucket is full of holes. This course will plug the holes, so your onerous marketing endeavours will not be wasted on an underperforming team who see you as a boss rather than a mentor, and believe you are taking home every cent that the clinic brings in.

After the initial pilot programme I made some tweaks based on the feedback of the initial clinic owners to make the programme better. This programme will get better and better each time. If you are keep to participate you will get one thing that future participants will not get – the maximum amount of my time to assist you. You are effectively getting a business coach for 3 months!

What do you need to do as part of this programme?

  • You will need good internet access, and be willing to make 2-3 hours a week to work on the modules over a 12 week period
  • You will highly value regular contact and touchpoints – if you drop off the radar this is your issue, not mine
  • You need a team who is willing to participate, and I have strategies to facilitate this
  • You need to be thinking long term about your clinic journey
  • You need to be in the mindset that you don’t want to get busier and busier in your clinic treating all of the clients yourself
  • How do I de-risk the programme for you?

    I will offer you a money back guarantee at any stage of the course – if you do not believe you are getting benefit from the material and it is not the right fit for how you operate or how your clinic works, or if you implement it and it gets you and your clinic no results, I will give you your money back with no questions asked

    When is the money back guarantee not on offer for you? If you don’t do the work. Don’t sign up, not do any work, and come asking for your money back, as I will have no hesitation in calling you on this sort of behaviour.

    Just tell me what the programme costs!

    1 payment of $1997

    You are getting access to cutting edge material never seen in the physio world, and effectively you are getting me as your business coach for 3 months

    My business coach costs me more than $2000 a month, so consider you are getting more than $6k worth of value

    Much of what my business coach has taught me over the past 5+ years is in this course and I have compressed it for you to give you the maximum amount of value.

    What if I don't fit the criteria?

    The behavioural criteria are not negotiable. Our selection process determines this. You must be driven, love to learn and grow, and have that toughness that we all know we need to succeed as a clinic owner. Elements such as the length of time you have owned a clinic are negotiable, as this is just a way of me working with my ideal client – a clinic owner who is at the stage they are working on building your team, not just building your own caseload, and this normally happens from 5 years on – but if you are a fast implementer and you have achieved this sooner, you are likely a fit for the programme.

    The course is over-subscribed, what now?

    At times there are more clinic owners wanting to do the course than there are places available on the course. Not to worry, a new intake of participants will start every 12 weeks. If you aren’t lucky enough to get in on this intake, I will contact you in preparation for the next intake. This is another reason not to muck around and sit on the fence – in your own mind you are either in, or out.

    Selection Process

    There will be a selection process for this course, which means mutual suitability will need to be determined for us to move forward on this course. This is ultimately determined by both you and I, as I’m sure we both only want to work together if we would enjoy working together, you believe the course is a great fit for you, and I believe I can help you get the results you need.

    Are you ready to do this together ? You will be supported, mentored and trained over the next twelve weeks by Nick Schuster. You will also have a team of like-minded physios also completing the programme at your fingertips in the exclusive facebook VIP group.

    1. YES, I understand spaces are extremely limited and this is a limited time offer, if you want in, it's best you act now before the registration closes and class starts. (Please note that when the program sells out it will be closed)

    2. YES, let me grab my seat in the 12-week TRAIN THE ULTIMATE PHYSIO Course online training. I understand this is a doing-course where I can improve my leadership skills, and my personal growth through these teachings. I will learn how to TRAIN THE ULTIMATE PHYSIO in these 6 modules:

    • Module #1: You - the Clinic Owner
    • Module #2: Your Physios
    • Module #3: Your Dashboard
    • Module #4: Your Goals
    • Module #5: Team Goals
    • Module #6: Weekly Leadership Strategy

    I will receive information and instructional videos each week for the length of the program. I understand that if I want to go at my own pace I can do that.

    I understand I get lifetime access to the course so I can go back if I need to and re-watch the tutorials.

    3. YES, I'm totally excited about having access to the TRAIN THE ULTIMATE PHYSIO PROGRAM. I know that this program includes worksheets, workshops, lessons, videos, techy tutorials and invaluable information.

    4. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. I understand that if I implement the course material and I don't love the course or it doesn't work for me and my team then I can get a refund as long as the request is during the 12 week duration of the course and not after. This money back guarantee does not apply if you get lazy, stop and don't do the work, or if "life gets in the way" and you lose interest or focus - this is your issue, not mine.

    5. BONUS #1: Advanced Time Management ($197) Nick takes you through the secrets to getting the most out of your time while not treating patients in your clinic. Learn a proven method for assessing your time spent, organising how you spend your time and making sure you are kicking goals and not procrastinating and wasting your most precious resource.

    6. BONUS #2: Languages of Appreciation Module ($97). This video outlines how to determine how your team like to be rewarded - and it's not just money! Learn how to determine each of your team member's unique language of appreciation, so you know how to reward them in the way they like to be rewarded. Module and exercise included.

    Course Content

    Pre-course exercises

     Employee engagement questionnaire

    Pre course baseline assessment (Master Plan document)

    Module 1 – You, the owner

    • Part 1 – your story
    • Part 2 – your why
    • Part 3 – your values
    • Part 4 – your clinic’s vision, mission and purpose
    • Part 5 – you

    Module 2 – Your Physios

    • Part 1 – mentoring your team
    • Part 2 – team introduction
    • Part 3 – values (team to complete)
    • Part 4 – DISC (team to complete)
    • Part 5 – limiting beliefs (owner and team to complete)
    • Part 6 – money beliefs (owner and team to complete)

    Module 3 – Your dashboard

    • Part 1 – build your dashboard
    • Part 2 – build your dashboard – look under the hood

    Module 4 – Your goals

    • Part 1 – goal setting that works
    • Part 2 – goal setting – look under the hood
    • Part 3 – your weekly plan

    Module 5 – Team goals

    • Part 1 – inspiring your team
    • Part 2 – design your culture
    • Part 3 – team goal setting
    • Part 4 – team goal setting – look under the hood

    Bonus module – languages of appreciation

    Module 6 – Weekly leadership strategy

    • Part 1 – your leadership plan
    • Part 2 – coaching your team
    • Part 3 – team member challenges
    • Part 4 – the logistics (how to keep score – google drive)

    Course Delivery

    On payment you will receive access to our membership website

    Membership website contains access to all modules

    1 module to be completed every 2 weeks

    You will complete the modules yourself, in your own time

    Each module contains a series of instructional videos (20-30 mins per video)

    Plus an exercise – an online questionnaire, worksheet, or team exercise

    Every module will be completed by you, the clinic owner, with certain modules completed by your team

    You will receive a fortnightly email with links to the modules, so you don’t have to worry about what to do next

    You have a Master Plan Document which will contain all of your relevant course info, and you will add links to appropriate documents you will need later

    You will receive support via a closed “members only” facebook page

    You will be able to ask me any questions or discuss your challenges on this page

    This course will have various intakes through the year, with between 5 and 10 members per intake

    At the end of the 12 week course you will still have access to the “members only” facebook page to ask further questions regarding your ongoing leadership strategy after the course is completed

    As a business owner, it is hard to get time to focus on your team. You are often seeing patients, focusing on numbers, revenue and bills that need to be paid. Finding the time and energy to train staff, and to learn the necessary skills developing a good team culture seems impossible! Having a strong support team around you is what will make your business run efficiently and smoothly. Your reputation for excellence and your commitment to your patients will shine when you have an amazing team. I am here to help you do this.

    Ultimate Physio Facebook Group


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