
Pathway to $300k

$497.00 + GST




Welcome to pathway to $300k.

I have designed this product for:

– Startup clinic owners
– Solo clinic owners
– And clinics with less than $300k in annual revenue

Based on my own experiences and hundreds of clinics I have worked with, at this stage of your journey your greatest focus should be on:

– Understanding the difference between a physio who owns a clinic, and a clinic owner and learning what a clinic owner does on a daily basis and learning how to do these vital tasks – working on your business not just in your business.
– Being able to create a plan to build your clinic, rather than just running your business on a day to day basis.
– Learning some fundamentals of marketing – ideal clients, how to market, what works and doesn’t work in our industry, and how to fill other practitioners in your business both now and in future.
– How to attract the right physios, health professionals and admin staff and not make the same mistakes that so many of us did that left us with dud employees.
– And finally, taking all of the valuable info that is relevant to how you run your clinic out of your head and into a formula you can use to train your team.

So I will let you get started on the material. There is a lot for you to get through, so pace yourself.

Different clinic owners will find different material relevant at different times throughout your journey over the next 6-12 months.

Any questions please contact my product concierge Rachel Dool –

Here’s to building your clinic to and past $300k!

Ultimate Physio

Ultimate Physio Facebook Group


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